What is Ocean Freight?

Our most economical method of transport is Ocean Freight Fast Ocean shipping. We  will transport your parcel from our secure warehouse straight to the sea port to be loaded on to a vessel. The vessel makes several stops on it’s journey ultimately landing in Salalah, Oman. From this point, our trusted partners offload the cargo, and send them off to their respective destinations.

How can I ship my parcel overseas?

Our team of Twillers gets your cargo on the vessel that best suits your needs. You book with us, and you’ll get the same network as the world’s brands at no extra cost across countries they are highly trained for quickly response and provide great service to our customers.

With a few simple clicks, you can determine an estimated cost of your parcel. We are an innovative company, and we use technology every step of the way in order to maintain our position as a leading and reliable logistics provider specializing in the Middle East.

Ocean Freight is 1.25 per pound (minimum parcel weight is 40Lbs.) with a $25 package fee (some fees higher based on oversized parcels).

Our safe and secure Ocean Shipping routes take approximately 5 weeks from port to port.

What our customers say about our services