We go beyond logistics, we get your packages around the world safely and securely.

Alayamaniya Import & Export strives to always be the leader in transportation worldwide. We specialize in serving areas that are in distress. We can deliver to areas that others cannot get to.
Based in the state of Michigan, Alyamaniya Import & Export offers fast, easy, and cost-effective means of package transport. We strive to ensure that your package is handled with the care and urgency that you would expect.
Safe and Secure
Highly Professional Staff
Managing Logistics and Parcel Transport
from your city across the world.
Real-time Tracking
Just enter your tracking number, and you'll be informed of up to date movements of your package.
Transparent Pricing
At Alyamaniya, we aim to be a leader in our sector. We keep pricing transparent and affordable.
Warehouse Storage
We have a total of 8,000 sq. ft. in warehousing available to serve your storage and fulfillment needs.
Insured Cargo
We are fully insured both at our facilities as well as the shipping carriers that we utilize to move your parcels across the world.
The Best in International shipping
That Suits Your Needs.
Branches Across 20+ Cities
New locations coming to a city near you.
Over 120K+ Parcels Delivered
Always safe and secure.
We’re Trusted By More Than 80k Customers
What our customers say
Friendly staff, they got my packages shipped fast and for a great price.

Mohamed Rifai
Great company, they shipped my packages all the way to Yemen without any issues.

Ibrahim Alasfoor
Partnered with some of the worlds largest organizations:
Saudi Airlines

Emirates Airlines